Clyde High School Annuals are online from 1949-1966
The Clyde Cardinals Annual Alumni Reunion Pictures have been organized by year for easy access. Click on the 3-line "hamburger" in the upper right corner to bring up the menu.
The Annuals, Single Year Class Reunions, and Alumni Reunions are separated by year so they are as easy to find.
Annuals also have "Scrapbooks" which contain some newspaper articles from that school year.
Credit to Bob McCracken ('61) and Johnny Rogers ('57) for the long and tedious project of putting all the annuals online. They photographed and edited each and every page. An untold amout of time was involved in bringing together all the annuals and newspaper clippings. Thanks guys for an awesome job!
Our School History book written by Sara Queen Brown won a Peace History Award.
To read the complete article by Kathy Ross published in the Enterprise-Mountaineer, November 8, 2010 Click on Sara's Page